Friday, September 14, 2012

Activities List as of 9/13/12 at 1:15PM | Blog

Activity Days Offered Moderator(s) 2012-2013 Enrollment Description Activities Blog Activity is held ONLY on Tuesdays. Mr. Rendine 10 Students will aide in the up keep and updating of the blog that we have set for all of the activities. You will be in charge of getting updates from the individual activities about their events and other happenings, which we will post for everyone to view. The ultimate goal of this activity is to help each activity gain awareness and localize all of the activities information on one central site: Our Blog. AMC Problem Solving Activity is held ONLY on Tuesdays. Mr. Yuz 15 Solvin problems from American Mathematics Competitions Architecture Club Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. Mr. Erk 25 To let the club members be introduced to the design process involved with different forms of architecture. BC Alive Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays, with the SAME group of students each day. Mrs. Barone 25 The BC Alive Club is a club for those who wish to?outwardly promote?the ideas of Pro Life. The general term ?Pro-Life? gives the club a chance to explore and tackle other issues such as anti-euthanasia, anti-assisted suicide, infanticide, etc. The club will raise money throughout the year to donate to Pro Life causes such as Right to Life and the Ganley Foundation. The BC Alive Club intends to ?keep with the spirit and the ideals of a ?Catholic School? education in which our Catholic identity?should always be a part of?all endeavors.? BC Christmas Preparation Activity is held ONLY on Thursdays. Mr. Rendine 25 This activity is designed to help those looking to go into TV and Movie production in the lighting and sounds technician area of study. We will be putting together and impletmenting a plan for the Christmas lights out in the front of the school along with helping create the school?s Christmas card. We are also looking for individuals who are good with computer graphics to help us better design our projects.? BC Fit Club Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. Mr. Santoli 15 As young men, health and fitness is something that concerns all of us. Whether you are looking to increase strength, or shape and tone your body, the BC Fit Club is focused on helping you achieve any and all of your fitness goals. BCtv Activity is held ONLY on Tuesdays.? Mr. Flynn 15 ???? Welcome to the world of digital television production! Be part of the creative team of writers, digital video, sound, sports reporters and director or producer of a live morning broadcast to the greater BC Community.
???? Begin by joining one of our weekly after-school meetings and join us daily in the broadcast studio.
???? This year, mentor with one of BC?s premier alumni sportscasters, Dan Long, host of the BC Sports Network and partner with the Athletic Dept. Catholic Faith Crusaders (CFC) Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. Fr. Ricarte 25 CFC aims to give its members opportunity to be part of peer to peer ministry in the school by introducing them to various spiritual activities like retreats, Masses, Holy Hour, Food collection for the Poor, etc. and also social activities like outings, visiting cultural places. organizing get together party, concerts, etc. Through these activities the members are given roles and responsiblities to become animators to their fellow students. Chess Club Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays, with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. Dr. Esker and Brother Prendergast 25 Chess, the ?Game of Kings,? is a game of strategy.? It? sharpens problem solving and analytical skills and is actually part of the curiculum for many students who attend schools in Latin America, Europe and Asia.? Finally, chess promotes good sportsmanship in an atmosphere of intense yet friendly competition. Computer Based Music Recording? Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays, with the SAME group of students each day. Mr. Furlan 10 Computer Based Music Recording is an introduction to techniques of recording music on personal computers using the state of the art, Pro Tools software. Discussions will also include a study of the hardware and software required as well as editing music, dialog, and sound effects for song, commercials and film. Computer Forensics Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays, with the SAME group of students each day. Mr. Mascaro 25 The goal of computer forensics is to examine digital media in a forensically sound manner with the aim of identifying, preserving, recovering, analyzing and presenting facts and opinions about the information. Crusader Missions Club Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. Mr. McChesney 25 Helping raise funds and supplies for the Christian Brothers Mission in Peru. Crusaders Against Cancer (formerly Tomorrow?s Children Fund) Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. Mrs. Sorrentino 25 Crusaders Against Cancer are students who are willing to raise funds and awareness of all types of cancers. Activities will include participating in walks, St. Baldrick?s organization, and Tomorrow?s Children Fund.? Crusaders for Christian Action Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. Ms. Merrick 25 Crusaders for Christian Action (CCA) is the oldest service activity at Bergen Catholic.? We work with the Emerson-Oradell Rotary to engage in hands-on activities and raise funds for the poor.? We sponsor CCA/Faculty sports activities four times per year.? CCA sells candy every Tuesday and Thursday during and after Activity period. CCA sponsors the annual school-wide Thanksgiving food drive. We also sponsor a blood drive twice a year.? Last year? CCA was able to raise funds for Consolation Center, an orphanage in Haiti.? Come join us and bring your ideas! DECA Activity is held ONLY on Tuesdays Br. Hall 20 DECA is also previously known as Delta Epsilon Chi and Distribute Education Clubs of America. In this club, students will learn about marketing,?management?and entrepreneurship?in business, finance, hospitality, and marketing sales and service. With the club starting this year, we hope to have potential guest speakers, attend competitions, and eventually prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management.? Engingeering Club Activity is held ONLY on Thursdays. Mr. Flynn 25 Learn both the theory and practical application of chemical, civil electrical and mechanical engineering. In addition to presentations, we will build working models to demonstrate the principles of each phase of engineering. Future designers and visionaries ? welcome! English Enrichment Activity is? held ONLY on Tuesdays. Mr. Rathgeber 5 English Enrichment Activity is held ONLY on Thursdays. Mr. Horner 5 Students can give and receive help in writing essays and understanding literature and English grammar. Game Design Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. Dr. Faso 25 Students will participate in designing various game and game strategies. Green Club Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. Ms. Sainclivier 25 Bergen Catholic is going green! This activity is for students who are interested in creating and implementing ways, such as recycling and clean-ups, for BC to ?go green.? The Green Club?s goal is not only to make BC ?greener?, but to spread its influence of eco-friendly alternatives to other schools, companies, and institutions within the Bergen County area. The Green Club strives to assist in environmental efforts and to raise social global awareness. Helping Paulao Project Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. Mr. Winter 25 The Helping Paulao Project raises money for a Brazilian orphanage that helps take care of children in difficult situations. The orphanage takes in children that were taken from their families due to physical and sexual abuse, mentally and physically challenged kids, children born with addictions, children with diseases such as HIV, just to name a few. Due to a lack of funding, the orphanage is in desperate need of extra money to help take care of the children.
We will be organizing fundraisers and activities outside of school to help raise money. International Club Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. Ms. DiMaggio 25 Intramural Ping Pong Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. Deacon D?Amico 15 Intramural Ping Pong Intramurals Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays, with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. Mr. Vizard, Mr. Direnzo, Mr. Stengel 35 Playing Basketball, Wiffleball, Football Italian Enrichment Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays, with the SAME group of students each day. (Peer Tutors only register.) Mrs. Gasparro 5 Any student who is having difficulty with the material covered during class is strongly encoured to come for help as soon as possible and as often as possible. Mandarin Enrichment Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. (Peer Tutors only register.) Mr. Liu 5 In this activity, students who have chosen mandarin could get their questions addressed by both their peers and the teacher. Also, they can also have some in-depth discussion on the Chinese language and culture with their classmates and the teacher. Students who register could consolidate and share what they have learnt in class with regard to the Chinese langugage and culture. Besides, those who register could have more in-depth discussion with the teacher on something which is not covered in class. Also, they may have a Chinese conversation with the teacher.? Math Enrichment Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. (Peer Tutors only register.) Mr. Goldee 5 Help or enrichment with algebra I, algebra II, trigonometry, and pre-calculus. Media Interns Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. Mr. O?Connor, Mr. Kelleher 20 The students are responsible for creating video and audio projects using imovie, garage band, iDVD. Midnight Run Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. Mrs. Ortiz-Whiteside 25 Are you looking for a possible life changing experience?? Midnight Run is the club to sign up for. Midnight Run is a club that collects all sorts of clothing and items to support the homeless/poor in their battle to overcome poverty in New York City. This year, Midnight Run will have 4 ?runs? (trips) to New York. The Run?s consist of making sandwiches for the poor and organizing the clothes.? Also, a basketball game is held after eating dinner and completing all work. Several clothing drives will be headed up by the club and many competitions to raise money for the club will be held.? Most notorious, ?Cardboard City? is run by the club. Cardboard city? is an all night activity held on the football field.? Participants simulate the typical night of a homeless person and sleep overnight in a cardboard box If you are looking for something that will be marquee on your college resume, or even something life changing Midnight Run is the club for you.? Many students have changed their entire persona after being part of this club.? It?s a once in a lifetime opportunity you don?t want to miss. Model UN Activity is held ONLY on Thursdays. Mr. Drower 25 Model UN is an academic simulation of the United Nations that aims to educate participants about current events, topics in international relations, diplomacy and the United Nations agenda. Operation Smile Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. Mrs. Casper 25 ??????? Operation Smile is a private, non-profit medical service organization providing facial reconstruction surgery and related health care to indigent children and young adults in the US and in developing countries.? The medical staff donates their time.? They are not paid for their services.? Operation Smile also trains physicians in the countries which they visit.? The objective of the Bergen Catholic Operation Smile Program is to organize various fundraisers to help pay for needed supplies i.e. antibiotics, bandages, IV fluiods, anesthesia, etc.?? Real Estate 101 Activity is held ONLY on Thursdays. Mr. DiCocco 25 Students will be guided through the following Real Estate related concepts:
Real Estate Vocabulary
Market Trends
Appreciating and Depreciating Trends
Short Sale and Foreclosure
Making Money in Real Estate
Real Estate Investments Robotics Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays, with the SAME group of students each day. Mr. Klebs 25 The Robotics Activity is available to all students interested in Math and Science. The activity meets every Tuesday and Thursday and members must attend both sessions. Members will build, test, and operate their robots while learning basic electronics, programming, prototype construction, math, and science skills. The robots are programmed using the student?s laptop utilizing either PBASIC or C++ depending upon the microcontroller used; and may be attached to the laptop with with either a USB cable or Bluetooth Technology. The microcontrollers may be purchased at Radio Shack. There is a maximum enrollment of 10 students. Rubics Cube Activity is held ONLY on Tuesdays. Ms. Travaline 25 Master the rubik cube and other puzzles . Science Enrichment Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. (Peer Tutors only register.) Mrs. Trunfio and Mr. Henry 5 Science Enrichment offers the opportunity for students that seek additional assistance with their science courses.?? This activity allows students the time to seek extra help in any science subject.? Teachers and peer tutors are available for students as needed during both activity periods. Spanish Enrichment Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. (Peer Tutors only register.) Mr. Pawlyk 5 Spanish Enrichment is offered to assist any students who are finding their current Spanish course challenging. Stock Market Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. Mr. Hedengren 25 This club will expose students to the financial markets and explore basic ways to choose different investment vehicles. Student Government Association Activity is held ONLY on Thursdays. Mr. Tedeschi 25 Student Government Association (SGA)

Responsible for:
1. Student leadership
2. Planning student activities
3. Identifying student concerns in school life

SGA provides students with leadership opportunities in all areas of school life and helps to develop leadership skills.? Additionally, SGA is responsible for planning many different school events (Yule Day, Proms, Dances, Christmas Tree Lighting, Senior Week, Spirit Week, Freshman Pizza-Game Night, and many others).

If you are looking for a chance to get involved at BC and make a difference in the quality of school life for you and your peers while also gaining valuable leadership experience then SGA will be a good fit.?

Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. Mr. Coleman 25 To provide students with the best prevention tools possible to deal with the issues of underage drinking, other drug use, risky and impaired driving, and other destructive decisions. The Herald Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. Ms. Conley, Ms. Holt 20 Student Newspaper The Lazarus Fraternity Activity is held ONLY on Tuesdays. Brother Kiernan 25 The Lazarus Fraternity is a new venture for the Bergen Catholic Community. It is open to students, faculty and staff who have lost some-one from their immediate family i.e. father, mother, brother, sister. The group will meet to provide pressence, support and prayer. If through the
course of the year the Bergen Community and its members should experience a loss of a close love one, the members of the Fraternity will
rally to be present to those who remain behind and be present at a wake, funeral or other service. Students, faculty and staff of all faith will find a close-knit group in the Lazarus Fraternity. The Talisman Activity is held ONLY on Tuesdays. Mr. Horner 25 Students write, edit, and publish BC students? stories, poems, riddles, and art work.? We publish both? print and? on line editions. USO Activity is held ONLY on Tuesdays. Mr. Drower 25 The U.S.O is designed to provide support to the current U.S military effort in the world.? The organization plans drives to collect materials to send overseas to U.S. troops in the form of care packages.? Join the U.S.O. and help support our military. Yearbook Activity is held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays but with a DIFFERENT group of students each day. Mrs. Smith 15 Create and design the yearbook.


david lee roth joe bodolai ben nelson extreme couponing taylor lautner sinead o connor dan marino passing record

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